DM stating TaxEvasion
Hello admins, I came to tell you about a situation, on October 9, the player TaxEvasion with the help of the players |Slim| and Pakomulisha23, was doing dmstating in dm51, attached are the screenshots of the console where it is clearly shown how TaxEvasion is the only one who killed, in the screenshots I marked the deaths in blue, the time of said action in light green, and I marked in red how when I warned them that I was going to report them, they began to mock as if no punishment was going to be committed for these cheaters
I hope these players do not go unpunished, because this is something that damages the gameplay on the server
Thank you very much
@MateoA never seen someone leveling before?
@Dusky Yes, I have seen people level up, but one thing is to level up and another thing is for 3 players to be in a DM and only one kills, no matter how bad someone is, at least 20 times they will kill 2 or 3 times, they they never killed
@MateoA obviously, you never had friends help you before
@Dusky I mean, are you admitting that you were doing dmstating, or why are two lvl100s in a dm51? I don't know if it's my impression, but for me, you are doing dm stating, which is prohibited on the server
@MateoA nah you are actually retarded
@MateoA DM stating is when he joins lower dms (like dm 9 or 19) to improve your dm kd, using a dm for leveling purposes is more than fine and it doesn’t matter how many ppl are in it then
@MateoA 🥺
@Derex looks like someone is tempted to comeback no?
@MateoA this is a sort of helping a "FRIEND" definetly not a dm stating, the involve in this accusation are using their own accounts.