where did you say that you will be unbanned this December 31
where did you say that you will be unbanned this December 31
how are you all go war tomorrow beat the Greenboys in the game, who will beat to them have chance to earn 5kk every takes of 5 star
first step, screen shot
then post here or comment to this topic
so now what are you waiting for?
letzz Gow!!
this is a realtime we do what we say goodluck.
beat the greenboys!!!
just for enterteinment only for the other players
@Hashiriya may covid ka daw Hahahah
do unbanned my first ever Gang in yor server
This is https://gtasa.eu/player/559124 and i hope you will tnx in advanced sir.
Fckng gay man if you think you are smart go use talk n text and talk about business we need to grow this game your manner give the game bad so them left because of your self if you are in good of people the game is still alive you fckng ass reporters and snitch itey.
Nick : Cryyyy
Link : https://gtasa.eu/player/559124
Email : Vinluan.Wowie19@gmail.com
ubanned me please i want play it again thanks admin
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