admin gay asturel gay banned my acc NOXIUS

Posts made by -Slim
admin gay banned my acc noxius
admin banned acc NOXIUS by statting
stats: NoxiuS = K/D = 884/58 = 15.24
stats: desnutrio = K/D = 5/1,073 = 0 -
RE: admin plis unbanned my acc ;.D
@Slim admin, look, I lost my old accounts because my email doesn't open because it's not the password I put in it and I can't get it back because I don't have the cell phone number with which I created that email.
admin plis unbanned my acc ;.D
admin bro plis unbanned my acc ;.D sorry by insult no have I don't have more accs as unique as that admin please brother I won't insult you again I'm serious sorry for the lack of respect it won't happen again. Acc:
RE: admin plis change my gmail
admin even in that Gmail I have #SkuLLCrusheR~ Mc#00ff00pedrinho
#Werewolf!4.60 admin if you can send me the key of that Rexpower acc I will be totally grateful -
RE: admin plis change my gmail
admin is that I forgot my Gmail password and that week my cell phone was stolen and that's why I can't open my Gmail
RE: admin plis change my gmail
admin What is the key is that my Gmail will not open because it is blocked Please send me the password of my acc to my Gmail MTAGTO789@GMAIL.COM TO BE ABLE TO CHANGE MY GMAIL TO THE Account. Plis plis admin.
admin plis change my gmail
admin, can you change the Gmail to my acc, I have no way to recover it because Gmail blocked my Gmail account plis admin.
My acc:
Banned acc CesaR~ Statting
Acc CesaR~ Statting
And acc x.videos