He can access to any account and the acc owner is not worried because gmail belongs to account owner. Thats acc owners fault but as you said, its good trick for robbers.

Posts made by M4A4
RE: Help me please
RE: Help me please
@SrJesusGW Dont lie. You stole people account and put your own gmail on those accounts.You insulted the accounts to prevent gmail from being canceled. Now you want those accounts to be unbanned because the gmail of those accounts belongs to you.
RE: Stating #Leader#
they are making stating with these accounts, they collect these accounts in the same gang.So their gang point is rising.Finally they are going top#1 on gang point.Lot of low level and high point account so good gang points.This is their main purpose.I think you should ban them permamently or reset their gang point.They do not care whether they will be banned or not.When you ban their low level accounts, it has no effect on them. Banned accounts still increase the gang score. They open a new account again and again make stating with that accounts. Thats only thing these players know. They love sabotaging the rules
RE: Stating report
@Better https://youtu.be/1MlVIlndbGY?si=Zhhe2QbqygjUQ5ao
You lost war 14-4 and ty5 noob i have video
RE: Stating report
@Better I wont waste my time with an autistic terrorist arab. Cry me a river
RE: Stating report
@Better account doesnt even belong to you
You shouldnt cry for other guys account
Stating report
Hi, a guy increase kills and k/d so fast.The game has max 10 players but this guy made 5 or 6k kills in 1 month.Can you chech logs? Im sure he killed same players and he made lots of stating.I don't know when he made the stating but I followed him on the website.This guys other acc also banned because of stating.
Player profile: https://www.gtasa.eu/player/411280
RE: VIP Scammer
@EnanoO-6 I don't care whats more valuable to you.
The facts are that you can't buy vip with paypal because you are poor -
RE: VIP Scammer
@EnanoO-5 Stop crying here. Nobody told you to buy a VIP from that guy. You can't buy a VIP with real money because you are a poor Venezuelan
RE: its december 31
@D-s-m The year will be 2024 and it makes me laugh that these people have such problems.(like unban my acc plsss)
RE: I forgot my e-mail
@Sm1th You must learn not to stick your nose into everything.He just wants to access his account. He is my friend and he hasn't played this game for a long time. That's why he forgot status of his account is.
RE: Like old days.
@Dusky I have never seen such a stupid mindset
Do you get mad and cry every time others win you in any game?
RE: Like old days.
Yes it is very easy to make bugs with driveby but not everyone can make more specific bugs like cbug or slidebug. It is very easy to make sawed bug when driveby activated. But I would like it if driveby come back because I dont like make bugs
RE: Like old days.
@Dusky Using bug for kill enemies is a stupid thing because its not fair and its not legal. I can open aimbot or any cheat too but I dont because I play games for fun not for win. You have to learn the main goal of games.This way you dont fight for win. You achieve real goal of the game which is to have fun.
RE: Like old days.
@Dusky set up dreams in your mind
if you wanna a versus tell me a time and we can make a vs in dm 95
arab obsessed w me
RE: Like old days.
@Dusky hahaha I hope drive by comes again If it come again low level players can kill more ez with driveby. I like driveby too, but the rocket launcher good against driveby
RE: Like old days.
@bah What I don't understand is this: Drive-by shooting has existed for a long time, but they removed it from the game 2 years ago. What changed until 2 years ago that they felt the need to remove it?