But he was banned for another reason, besides my problem is that you ban and never unban accounts, look at the account #00ff00Be$erKer! That account has been banned for a long time, we all want you to unban it so we can play.
We want you to unbanned accounts, it's fair, please

Posts made by KALLETANO.
RE: corrupt admin
corrupt admin
everyone can do Sttatting Without you prohibiting the accountsthe account #[J]esu[S]~ has been doing Sttatting and you Since it connects, it does Stattting with the Amos, f55 and dobbyblood accounts, if there is no test, what more test do you want, look at the statistics of each account and you will find the answer that acc is doing Sttatting Asturel O_O???
stats: #[J]ESU[S]~ = K/D = 750/24 = 31.25
dmstats: #[J]esu[S]~ = DM K/D = 545/1 = 545stats: Amos = K/D = 2/621 = 0
stats: Dobbyblood = K/D = 1/439 = 0
stats: F55 = K/D = 27/768 = 0.04
dmstats: f55 = DM K/D = 50/169 = 0.3let me know if you need more proof
RE: Asturel Acc #[J]esu[S]~ Sttatting Dmsttatting
admin banned acc #[J]esu[S]~ for sttatting
RE: Asturel Acc #[J]esu[S]~ Sttatting Dmsttatting
admin he keeps doing Sttatting He says that you will not ban him because he has less than 500 of stats and dmstats
Banned SaC and #Nm Sttatting!!!
Acc SaC
stats: SaC = K/D = 1,149/578 = 1.99
stats: #Nm = K/D = 10/4,685 = 0
admin banned accs Sttatting -
Asturel Acc #[J]esu[S]~ Sttatting Dmsttatting
stats: #[J]esu[S]~ = K/D = 568/2 = 284
dmstats: #[J]esu[S]~ = DM K/D = 203/1 = 203
Banned acc Sttatting dmsttatting -
stats: Amos = K/D = 0/454 = 0
Stats: DobbyBlood = K/D = 1/295 = 0
Stats: #[J]esu[S]~ = K/D = 490/2 = 245 -
stats: #[J]esu[S]~ = K/D = 490/2 = 245
dmstats: #[J]esu[S]~ = DM K/D = 203/1 = 203 -
RE: change mi gmail
if I weren't the owner of the acc I wouldn't know my Gmail???? I am the real owner
change mi gmail
Plis change mi Gmail acc #SkuLLCrusheR~
Gmail jd0773458@gmail.com change a Gmail MTAGTO789@GMAIL.COM
I would change it but I don't remember the damn key. Okey? -
Asturel Plis help
Asturel They ban accs but they never unban what comes of this look I had the acc banned ;D and the Noxius acc and that Chinese from Venezuela arrives and gets into the game making me believe that we are going to make a change I give him the password ps how are we going to do the change and it turns out that this Chinese is the same thing that reports me as envious that for having informed admin that his acc was doing statting and out of rage that Chinese gets into my account and begins to insult how is it possible that for a I can't play with that Chinese man because admin will ban me from the acc for insulting which is obvious he has to do it because obviously the acc is a horrible insult but it's only fair that we all want admin and Asturel to unban accounts please unban accounts it's a game or not where one playing gets angry but Asturel take that game seriously now for telling them that to their faces they want to ban this account mature well.#unbanned accs
The account that the young man banned me isAcc https://gtasa.eu/player/624033
Plis unbanned Plis sorry insult.