@Derex Check this account please, how is it possible that in such a short time I have 3k deaths? and only died 12 times this is impossible
Lick Acc : https://www.gtasa.eu/player/603188
@Derex Check this account please, how is it possible that in such a short time I have 3k deaths? and only died 12 times this is impossible
Lick Acc : https://www.gtasa.eu/player/603188
@Derex Check this account please, how is it possible that in such a short time I have 3k deaths? and only died 12 times this is impossible
Lick Acc : https://www.gtasa.eu/player/603188
It's because of things like this that no one plays this crap server anymore, they report an account for "ILLEGAL" stats and see others with illegal stats too and you don't say anything.
@ALLowArzt Just out of envy that the others have better acc than these make the others lose their acc, why don't you upload one too instead of keeping an eye on the others?
Lick Acc : https://www.gtasa.eu/player/621324
Reason Report : Report this account for illegal stats impossible for a person to have stats 7.4 with stats like this
@TikTok my account Eli#Cd0000an You don't have 14 minutes online in 5 hours. so do not come to want to bank me the acc because everything you see there is legal, why do you say it is illegal? for 7 kills? or do not you see that my fight was with a low level? and that's why that happened and you want to come here to say that this way just out of envy, I have enough time to have my 4k kills
solo me estaba divirtiendo con mis amigos en ese dm que tiene eso de malo ??
Link : https://gtasa.eu/player/550382
E-Mail : S04166860642@Hotmail.com
Ban Reason : Insult Admins
Sorry Derex It doesn't happen again just that I lend my acc and they insulted but I already learned the lesson unban please