Hi, Admin When i try to enter or Login to the server; there a sign that say " Mandatory Update: Please re-Download mta from Multitheftauto.com" We can't login to the server due to we must use the latets verison of MTA

Best posts made by nico1
RE: what happened to the server
Latest posts made by nico1
RE: Sk8er54269 Cheater
@nico1 and i didn't use cheat in skyf, i use it only to show zekki something, but still i'm the part of user.
RE: Sk8er54269 Cheater
i think, its possible to hit 10/10 with sniper. but not too far and not too close from the shooter.
also about i used cheat, well i admit it that's i'm wrong. its a good proof using my pm to ban and i won't deny it. but, its wrong if you thought that the bullet had no-recoil/no-spreading. i did use colt and it seem no spreading but it is spreading and easy to hit the bot, even easy to get head shot. -
RE: Sk8er54269 Cheater
in my opinion, the sniper one can't get HS repeatedly when the target run to the left and right. should i call it a Dodge run for the target ? and yah, the sniper can do head shot meanwhile target use jetpack, but be noted, that the target must be fly straight and without armor. (i think, its also impossible to get HS repeatedly for the sniper)
this is my opinion tho, still need other players opinion about this.
HTTP server file issue
hi, i have problem when i try to login in-game. the sign like this
RE: what happened to the server
Hi, Admin When i try to enter or Login to the server; there a sign that say " Mandatory Update: Please re-Download mta from Multitheftauto.com" We can't login to the server due to we must use the latets verison of MTA