@RecycleBIN hackers can use different account without password, look at this account aand u will see that this account last login is 2years ago
player: -
@00fcfc-zekki this is my first acc in gto xd
@21-0 yeah
@RecycleBIN as you can see they didn't login to the accounts.
for example mine last login was almost a day ago.They do it on login screen. When you connect to a server, you are already spawned at location 0,0,0 in dimnsion 0, and interior 0.
The camera is pointed at grove street.
Your body is frozen.but they can teleport the body and change the camera, they still don't login.
with the cheat engine they add weapons, and kill others like this way. -
@RecycleBIN the bigger problem is that when you lend your account to someone, he can go to player settings and see the previous serials.
Turks can change the serial to anything, and they did it.
They changed the serial into an existing real serial of someone
for example anass' serial.Then they used the automatic serial login and did bad things. Sold houses, bought new one, spent all weapon, transfered money etc. Also tried to change the email.
The only solution was to us, is to disable automatic serial login, so now everyone has to login to the accounts.
@RecycleBIN thats why you guys should have never lent the accounts.
Now gto is full of accounts which has 50+ serials associated, and every serial has 50+ different accounts as well.
Since the ip of the cheater is a known vpn service, which used by players also, the only solution for us to rollback the server db so the harm they did will be undone, but with the progress of accounts played in the meantime.
oh no who would've thought a shitty mod for a single player game would have cheaters on it?!?! give me a break
@SlammingTanks4186 at least we have this shitty mta. Since Rockstar is not friendly with modders, this impacts mta dev team also, and important people left from mta ac team