c bug m4 x.dani.x
name: x.dani.x
link video: https://youtu.be/LVjKStGGEj0
link :https://gtasa.eu/player/217352 -
The person who published this video, please report it next time, record better than that, it's not c-bug, the administrator will not accept that c-bug complaint, oh, there's nothing wrong, and I'm sorry for the inconvenience, upload the video because he was raping you. in war and suebs that to dissulate hahaha
@Better clear c bug nice record btw
@x-Dani-x stop crying , you abused c-bug , we can see it clearly in slow motion video recording
@x-Dani-x https://youtu.be/0u3SDLOPttk?si=H1aiBhsRLe2nNEJq
They will catch you and throw you in jail
@x-Dani-x hahahahha
@M4A4 buhahahah is good brother