Crouch bug abusing by x.dani.
Date: 3/27/2024
Account name: x.dani.x
Account link:
Proof: to 0:01 he stands up normally
0:02 he abuses crouch bug -
Hello, greetings and respect, administrator of this server, that person who mw reported through c bug, I actually don't know what that is. I am a new player on this server, gto, the account that I play, Dani gave it to me, a dear old friend of this server, we continue with The situation stopped me like this because I was crouching and through no fault of my own the smoke bomb was placed and he made me stop sorry for that administrator I'm sorry for doing that well without anything more than saying greetings asturel
@x-Dani-x bullshit
You have been reported for bug abusing twice and your first time you got extremely lucky icl