The date: 11/09/2023
The player:
The proof:

Latest posts made by ToOxiCoO
Noxius BUG
Pulveys DM Stating on DM6 and DM32
Hello, although the player named Pulveys is level 66, he enters the dms of low levels and does dmstating. The name of the friend who helped him is: |blue|. I have proofs. I put the videos here:
DM6 DMStating Video :
The time and The date: August 27 , 2023 Server time 14:16DM32 DMStating Video :
The time and The date: August 27 , 2023 Server time 14:32
Dmstater :
Helper :
Also helper's dm kd is 80/6710 0.01 -
RE: tooxico bug abuser
If we talk about cbug admin. Isa's Hard account should already be imprisoned for 10 years, Isa cbugs with all the weapons and complains about the other accounts to be done and that cbug, that's not cbug, what Isa does with the Hard account if it's a cbug with all the weapons, you'll see, I record it and upload it so you can see the real cbug that makes isa and stop crying, isa